Wow, this is like a celebrity sighting for me- the man behind the Transportation Issues Daily website, which I link to extensively on this blog, will be in Spokane tomorrow.

Larry Ehl, an expert on federal transportation policy, will speak tomorrow at the Washington State Good Roads Association annual conference. Ehl will be speaking about the recently enacted federal transportation bill, MAP-21, and looming funding cuts to transportation programs.

Larry has some local insight too, which makes him a valuable commodity. He played a role in helping acquire both TIGER grants received by the NSC project. He helped secure a $35 million grant in 2010 as a WSDOT government relations staffer, and to secure a $10 million grant in 2012 as a member of the Keep Spokane Moving coalition.

Here’s info on the conference, in case you’re interested, although there is a fee to attend.

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